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Hotel, Restaurant & Caterers

List of Hotels in India

Our well-curated data list of hotels in India in Excel format is designed to help businesses looking to expand their reach in the hospitality segment. Today hospitality sector is among the fast-growing sectors that help businesses tap into a pool of opportunities & drive growth in their businesses. From various authentic channels, we collect information on hotels across several areas of India. The verified database allows you to connect with the target audience and multiply conversions. 99DataCD is an industry pioneer that provides a high-quality hotel database with 75-85% accuracy available for unlimited usage.

Optimize your marketing campaigns and make your marketing & sales efforts more effective through our validated hotels, restaurants & caterers database. This data category includes hotels, restaurants, pubs, bars, cafes, banquets, tent houses & caterers. Use this data to learn about market trends and tailor your services/products as per user’s preferences.

Hotels Database

We have built a huge clientele with our exceptional B2B data services. 99DataCD’s data content consists of company name, address, city/state, pincode, email address, contact number, website address, and product/service details.

Our data list of hotels is a popular source of lead generation for your business. You can convert pre-qualified leads into loyal customers through plenty of marketing strategies. Download the most economical hotel database from 99DataCD today.

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